
LuaJIT is a small just-in-time system for Lua. It's amazingly effective, because you can just run your code with it and everything simply goes faster (3..5 times is what I see). I have not run into any issues whatsoever. None. Quite a feat, IMO.

Now there's a road map for LuaJIT 2.x, and it promises to become considerably better still. Wow.

I'm very happy to use Lua inside Vlerq now. Performance matters a lot across the scripting <-> C boundary, because one of the things you want to do is perform brute-force selection using custom conditional code, and being able to use a scripting language for those conditions is tremendously useful. I can now think about taking a condition (even from Tcl, just parse and translate to Lua), and using it in C-based brute-force loops. With LuaJIT, that gets compiled to machine code, and since the loops are usually very simple and totally repetitive, chances are that LuaJIT can figure out static datatype-info right on.

Just in case you think I've now joined the church of Lua, and abandoned all others: not so. All I do is use Lua as internal scripting language. At this stage it is also my test environment, to avoid complexity, but once the Vlerq core is sufficiently complete I intend to embed the whole kaboodle into whatever language makes sense. IOW, Lua is my systems scripting language.

i'm soooo tired of "faith-based" language communities. Lua, Python, Ruby, Tcl, whatever. All everyone seems to be doing is defending/protecting their own turf. So many missed opportunities, so little synergy. What an utter waste of human resources.