The task of finding accurate settings is often very time-consuming. Success is not guaranteed, often some doubt remains about the window choices. In practical use, the dilemma remains of either finding optimum settings for a specific set of results, or proceeding with lower reliability to process large amounts of data. This dilemma can be avoided.
Large numbers of analyses can be processed, even with several critically resolved pairs. The quality of identification and quantification can actually be improved with a larger number of measurements.
This is made possible because of a new concept; the Frequentogram provides insight in the distribution of all measured retention times in an entire dataset and enables you to optimize identification settings. A powerful algorithm is applied to compensate for drifts in retention time, controlled by a small number of parameters. When adjusting these parameters, (re-) identification of all peaks is performed in a matter of seconds, even with tens of compounds in hundreds of analyses. The result of this identification process, which includes quality indicators, can be presented on the screen in a variety of graphical formats and can be inspected in more detail where needed.
Along with an indication of the reliability of each analysis, the quality measures are also suitable to evaluate the stability of the analytical systems used. Optimization can be iterated to gradually generate more and better results; once acceptable, all final results can be exported in a single step.
A project document is used to store all settings related to the processing of a specific set of data files. This file also contains information about the origin of measurment data. All major decision are tracked in an �audit trail� and are uniquely identified by a signature tag which allows you to trace back to each of these decisions. Each exported data file can also be tagged with such a signature, to conform to Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) guidelines.
Detailed reports of all analysis results, as well as their quality measures, can be exported in a variety of file formats, for use in spreadsheets, databases, statistical- and word-processing applications.
It has been shown that the productivity is enhanced to such a degree, that hundreds of analyses with tens of compounds can be processed by one chromatographer, often in just a matter of hours. Also, in large projects a substantial set (10-20%) of all identifications in complex samples will succeed better with MetaChrom than can be achieved by conventional chromatography software.
For more information, look at the product sheet.