This page is an editable list of things which need to have (much) better documentation in MK. Please feel free to add items to this page!
You can also help by suggesting priorities (with a brief reason):
Further comments: the most important of which I think will be comments on what needs to be done first.
C++ - The existing docs are quite old, given that it is the first (and primary) interface of MK. Then again, it is not clear to me at this point what the relative user bases for C++ vs. Python vs. Tcl are. Now that both Python and Tcl interfaces are quite stable, I tend to rarely fall back to C++ these days. Performance is no longer an issue, in all but the most demanding scenario's I come across.
C++ - I use the C++ interface almost exclusively since I am mostly involved in KDE projects. Updated EXAMPLES of how things ought to be done for best performance would be a tremendous help.
A lot of the features of this library appeal to embedded systems. Tcl and Python are not options in these systems. In small systems, even C++ can be a luxury. Documentation for C++ is not optional in this environment. The library is not trivial, and becomes less so with each revision. Regarding the user base, lack of C++ documentation will mean that fewer C++ programmers will use the library. Self perpetuating problem.
Initial C++ docs are out of date and won't compile do to the changes to the c4_Storage class. First thing to do would be to update those.
TCL docs are quite antique, the examples are there, but lacking comments, but none of the derived view and custom viewer stuff is there yet (non of the OO interface stuff).
-Michael Schlenker
I'am a total beginner. My personal most wanted: "introduction for C++ programmers" and "using sub-views". Something like a Tutorial/HowTo area in this Wiki possibly ? Give a Topic-skeleton & examples in style and then let the community do the job to fill it up. This Wiki based tutorial should cover trivial cases apart from more advanced one in a cross language form, I think.
Please add items to the above list, by clicking on the "Edit MK documentation overhaul" link below. The formatting should be clear by inspecting what is already on the page. Please be careful to not remove existing text. Press the "Save" button when you are ready to send your changes to the server, they will appear right away.