Fetch a copy of the Metakit Wiki
These pages are managed by Wikit and Tclkit as a [Scripted Document].
That means:
- They can be browsed and searched on the web (through CGI)
- They can also be browsed and searched locally (with a Tk interface)
- The entire set of pages is stored as a single file
To browse these pages and have instant searches, follow these steps:
- Fetch the latest compressed snapshot of this area (from: [1])
- Uncompress (using gzip or equivalent) - on Unix do "gzip -d wiki.gz"
- Download and uncompress the Tclkit runtime for your platform
- On Unix, make sure both files have the execute permission bit set
- Launch, using "./tclkit wiki" (or just "wiki" if tclkit is on your path)
That's it - there is no installation (to uninstall, just delete the two files again).
Repeat steps 1 and 2 to update to the latest snapshot of these pages.