


Introduction - 1

History - 2

Overview - 3

Advanced features - 4

Work in progress - 5

One possibility - 6

Conclusion - 7



Appendix 1 - blowfish

Appendix 2 - tkspline

4.1 - Checking C Code

With more complicated extensions - especially Tk extensions - it is often necessary to check for platform specific features.

For example, the busy widget has been extracted from George Howlett's BLT library [10] and built as a separate  stubs-enabled package using CriTcl.  Here is a code fragment from busy.tcl:

   if {[critcl::check "#include <limits.h>"]}{
      critcl::cheaders -DHAVE_LIMITS_H

The critcl::check procedure invokes the C compiler on the supplied C code, and returns true if the code compiles without errors. In this case,  we are just testing for the existence of the limits.h header file.

Using the C compiler in this way is perhaps less efficient that the more traditional approaches (such as autoconf). But it does have some key advantages - primarily simplicity and familiarity. Knowing C does not imply a knowledge of any particular compiler tool chain, especially as more people come to Tcl from the Windows and Mac worlds.

see also

Critcl Home Page

Tclkit Home Page

Starkit Home Page

Wikit Home Page

Tclers' Wiki

Steve's Website

Jean-Claude's Website

Paper by S. Landers & J.C. Wippler, as presented at Tcl/Tk 2002 conference - see also original PDF.

Papers & Presentations