CatFish allows you to...
- Save snapshots of all your disks and removable media (ZIP disks, CDROMs).
- Quickly find files in all catalogs by name (with wildcards), size, and/or date.
- See all total file and subdirectory counts as well as total space usage.
- Easily view with any sort order. Export saved catalogs as text files.
- Save any number of snapshots, for entire (network) drives or specific areas.

Other unique features of CatFish
- Stored catalogs are very compact - less than 10% of other similar utilities.
- Very high speed, searching and sorting are instant, even for 1000's of files.
- Works with huge disks, containing 1,000's of directories, 10,000's of files.
- Refresh catalogs with one key, launch apps and docs, locate newest file.
- Tiny distribution file and executable size, does not require any installation.
- 1999-12-20 CatFish 1.9 is out
The C++ source code of CatFish is now also freely available - get it here.
CatFish 1.9 had a problem on NT (now fixed). Please use the Dec 20 build.
A fix by Todd Brennam makes CatFish work properly on Win2k - get it here.
Note: alignment of text has been reported to be wrong with large screen fonts.
The "Failure Feedback Forum" on this website can be used to report bugs.