Web fullresponse status
Take a status code (1xx..5xx) and append a description if not already present. Returns the resulting string, or the original if it already had a description. The status code descriptions were collected from [1] and [2].
Web htmlize text
Take a string and make sure &, <, >, ", and ' are converted to HTML entities, so that they don't get interpreted. Used to convert plain text to equivalent HTML.
Web redirect reqobj url
Cause the request object passed in as first argument to return an HTTP redirect to the specified URL. This returns a 302 status code. This call never returns.
To be used with Httpd and other similar rigs.
Web sendfile reqobj file
Send a file in the background, as response, and clean up when done.
To be used with Httpd and other similar rigs.
Web urldecode string
Take an url-encoded string and convert it to plain text. Replaces + signs and any %xx escapes back to what was in the original string.