This website is of the eat your own dogfood variety, it is built with:
- the Mavrig code, based on a few "rigs" from this site
- Tcl 8.5, using the Tclkit application runtime [1]
- Lighttpd, as front-end server for static files [2]
- Subversion, as version-controlled repository [3]
- Linux Debian "Etch", as the operating system [4]
The hardware is powered by a lowly Intel PIII/700 CPU with 512 Mb of RAM.
This dedicated server is located in a very large and well-connected datacenter near Nürnberg, DE. It has been in use for several years with no downtime other than for a RAM and hard disk upgrade and some scheduled maintenance.
Databases are backed up every hour. The entire site is remotely archived weekly.
It just works...