


Introduction - 1

History - 2

Overview - 3

Advanced features - 4

Work in progress - 5

One possibility - 6

Conclusion - 7



Appendix 1 - blowfish

Appendix 2 - tkspline

4 - Advanced Features

The previous example showed how we can use standard Tcl features along with Critcl to add simple build information to a script. But Critcl allows you to go further - for example, testing for compiler or platform features, or checking for a failed compile.

4.1 - Checking C Code

4.2 - Fallback to Tcl

4.3 - Dual Tcl and C Implementations

4.4 - Cross Compiling

4.5 - Lower Level Stuff

4.6 - Solving Compile Problems

4.7 - Cleaning Up

see also

Critcl Home Page

Tclkit Home Page

Starkit Home Page

Wikit Home Page

Tclers' Wiki

Steve's Website

Jean-Claude's Website

Paper by S. Landers & J.C. Wippler, as presented at Tcl/Tk 2002 conference - see also original PDF.

Papers & Presentations